Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Publishing Insider News--Feature Article: "Put Yourself in the Publishers' Shoes--and Don't Act Like a 'Nut-job'"

A couple of months ago I got an email from a guy, let's call him Jake, though that's not his real name. And, there was an implication that he wanted to interview me for an article on spirituality. I thought, "Great!" and replied promptly with some answers to his questions.

Time went by. A second email came to my inbox. Now there was an implication that he wanted to hire me as an editorial consultant for a book project. It was clear that he wasn't really interested in interviewing me for the project that he had mentioned. I supposed I had misunderstood. Oops. That must be why I hadn't heard back. Again, I thought, "Great!" and replied. This time I asked a question, "What services are you needing?"

More time went by. A third, this time self-aggrandizing email came to me. Very short. I'll spare you the details. At the end it read: "Don't you want to work with me?" I asked again, "What services do you need?" Two weeks more went by. A fourth short email arrived. "Aren't you a publisher?"

Let me tell you, I was actually flabbergasted.

Let's imagine that during this whole exchange Jake believed I was a book publisher and he wanted me to consider publishing his book. (I don't really know if that's true since his approach was so intermittent.) If so, was Jake's approach the best one to take? Common sense has to dictate our answer here.

My answer is no. His approach sucked.

There is a better way to approach a publisher than by writing short self-congratulatory emails and attempting to put the publisher on the defensive through sending them long lists of interview questions. That better way is with a book proposal. Jake had it backwards. He thought the world was waiting for him to arrive and grace it with his presence. Nuh-uh.

The most successful authors sit down and make a business plan outlining the contents of their books and strategies for their books' promotion. When they are ready to find a suitable publisher, they either write a letter of inquiry to an editor at a publishing company asking permission to send the proposal or they solicit the assistance of a literary agent to make contact with various possible publishing houses on their behalf.

Check out my audio program "7 Quick & Easy Steps to Write and Sell Your First Book Proposal" for help in this area.

Another complaint I had with Jake's approach to me was that it felt disrespectful. He was hiding his true intent in the first contact (and therefore wasting my time). He was attempting to make me pursue him (wasting my time with manipulation efforts). And when I did reply for a legitimate purpose, he didn't follow through on this strange "job interview."

That's why when I wrote him for a final time to inform him that "No, I am not a publisher" I also told him--without an explanation--that I wouldn't work with him in any capacity. Potential clients like Jake show up occasionally and most of the time early behavior is sufficient to weed out crazy-makers.

You don't want to be perceived as a "nut-job," do you? Then take a lesson from this story and step up your game. Put yourself in the other person's shoes for a few minutes.

If you have any desire to receive help from a professional in the publishing industry, you need to know where you are in your process and be able to describe it. here are some legitimate requests:
  • "I am in an information seeking mode."
  • "I need help writing a proposal (query letter)."
  • "I am interested in hiring (consulting with) you."
  • "I am interested in being represented by your agency."
  • "I would like my next book to be published by your company."
  • "I am interested to know the exact nature of the services you provide."

The reason to be clear is that you will get a better result.

I love writers and idea-people. I am one. Having sat on both sides of the desk--the selling side and the acquiring side--I want to compassionately alert you to act as a professional.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Press Release for Best-Selling Anthology

Audacious Creativity
30 Ways to Liberate Your Soulful Creative Energy—and How It Can Transform Your Life
Stephanie Gunning

“Creativity is a high-energy state where mental sparks are flying and the improbable seems graspable. It is a state of being that feels infinite, because life is infinite and creativity makes us feel alive…even the tiniest spark of these creative blasts transforms everything within us because, as they stir up our senses, our hearts are engaged and our minds open…suddenly we’re alive and we know for sure what we are capable of accomplishing.”

Audacious (def: 1. intrepidly daring, adventurous, bold, 2: marked by originality and verve) is the way to be. Your success in life depends on how creative you are and how willing you are to act boldly on your creative ideas. Meet 30 notable professionals whose audacious creativity has touched the lives of millions of people. Through reading their stories, you will learn how to make better decisions, design a vision for a fulfilling future, overcome the fear of self-expression, access your inner genius, get into the flow of universal energy, manifest wealth, raise good kids, enjoy optimal health, and lead an energized lifestyle.

The search to understand what it means to be a human being in a complex world is constant. Stephanie Gunning has gathered the wisdom of some of the most highly creative, enthusiastic, and successful people in their professional industries today—authors, speakers, workshop leaders, expert trainers, life coaches and consultants—in a compilation that is sure to change the way you approach your life.

The phrase “audacious creativity” comes from the recognition that it takes a good deal of heart and guts to live as a bold and unfettered creator. It is audacious to dream out loud or speak your truth. It is audacious to be original, colorful, and sincere. When groups of creative people get together there is a combustion of life forces like a volcanic eruption, which is exhilarating and transformative to experience. By the end of Audacious Creativity, you will have experienced the transformative creative journeys of 30 incredibly creative people and discover the inspiration to take your own.

Contributors include: Richard Aronow, Martine Bellen, C. Russell Brumfield, Paulette Callen, Ernest D. Chu, Robert and Michelle Colt, Janet Conner, John Darrouzet, Laura Duksta, David Ellzey, Laura Faeth, Jeff Fasano, Howard Falco, Eliana Gilad, Sandy Grason, Kathi and Jay Handt, DC, Meg Haworth, PhD, Rebecca Linder Hintze, Carol Hoenig, Dr. Beatrice Kraemer, Reverend Allan Lokos, Mary Jane Mahan, Kim Marcille, Ann Moller, Katherine Scott, Elaine Springer, Paige Stapleton, Reverend Susanna Weiss, and Maria Yraceburu.

Stephanie Gunning, founder of Creative Blast Press, is a creative and audacious author, editor, and publishing consultant. Her A-list clients include bestselling authors, major publishing firms, top caliber literary agencies, and innovative self-publishers. She has mastered the art of transforming powerful ideas into highly marketable books. Visit her at and

Audacious Creativity ed. by Stephanie Gunning; Published by Creative Blast Press; Publication date: January 2009; Price: $15.99; Paperback; ISBN: 978-0-615-23488-5; Category: Self-Help; Available online at;, and

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Blog for Cultural Creatives Set Up by Audacious Creatviity Contributor Laura Faeth

Laura Faeth, author of I Found All the Parts, whose essay "The Write Music I-C" is featured in Audacious Creativity, has started a new blog for the people defined as "Cultural Creatives." Those of us in this category are invited to answer 20 questions (these are posted on the blog). her first featured guest is award-winning author Carol Hoenig, who blogs on Huffington Post.

You can expect to see the replies of many contributors to our anthology featured there. I think it's a terrific idea to understand how creators think. Espectially the most audacious ones!

FYI, today we're at #6, but we have been as high as #4 from what I've seen. I couldn't be prouder of all the contributors (and myself too). This has been such a privilege.

Friday, February 20, 2009

It's a Bestseller! #5 on Amazon

People have been grabbing the chance to pick up the fabulous bonus gifts that the Audacious Creativity contributors made available to the public on Thursday, February 19. These are for those who purchase a copy of the anthology through the special promotion page. Read more:

We care about you and want you to have all the tools you need to express yourself freely. Our motto is: You have the right to be bold!

That said... I laughed this morning when I saw that some resellers want to charge $56 bucks for the book. That's so dumb when it is entirely easy to buy one NEW at the regular cover price of $15.99! Don't be fooled by those price gougers. Silly rabbits.... Who do they think they're fooling?

I did receive two great replies after the mailing, each with a link to a different TED Talk from the recent TED conference on creativity.
The first was to Sir Kenneth Robinson's speech "Do Schools Kill Creativity?":

The second was to author Elizabeth Gilbert's speech "A New Way to Think About Creativity":

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Free your inner genius!

Are you ready to free your inner genius?

Your success in life depends upon how creative you are and how willing you are to act boldly on your creative ideas. In Audacious Creativity: 30 Ways to Liberate Your Soulful Creative Energy—and How It Can Transform Your Life, which I compiled and edited, 29 other notable professionals and I share how to make better decisions, design a vision for a fulfilling future, overcome the fear of self-expression, access your inner genius, get into the flow of universal energy, manifest wealth, raise good kids, enjoy optimal health, and lead an energized lifestyle.

Surprise Me
In my essay, "Surprise Me," which starts on page 3 of the anthology, I reflect upon a painting by Van Gogh and ponder the power of art and writing to wake us up from predictable routines by causing an explosion of memory and imagination in the viewer or reader. If you act now, when you purchase the anthology, you'll have the opportunity to receive a number of fabulous bonus gifts from many of the contributors, including a free 90-minute recording of an interview with me, conducted by host Sandy Grason, on the steps to take when you first decide to write a book.

If you’re in a hurry, click here and learn about some amazing gifts to support and stimulate your creativity from the book’s contributors:

What Is Audacious Creativity?
The search to understand what it means to be a human being in a complex world is constant. The phrase “audacious creativity” comes from the recognition that it takes a good deal of heart and guts to live as a bold and unfettered creator. It is audacious to dream out loud or speak your truth. It is audacious to be original, colorful, and sincere.

It’s easy to find yourself having the same conversations, handling the same types of projects, facing the usual challenges and coming up with the accustomed solutions in everyday life. But predictability is the death of creativity. It dulls our perception and problem-solving ability. The only problem is that we often have no conception of how to begin to stimulate our senses or liberate ourselves from a predictable routine.

Audacious Creativity teaches you how to be a “working creator”—to learn to study your character and develop specific processes for being the person that is uniquely you. You don’t get fooled as easily as once would have by your mind’s puzzles. Your spiritual and humanitarian toolkit expands. You get more resourceful, and, in time, you understand how to move yourself through states of being. You realize how to support yourself to handle change and how to be successful at simply being you.

Unleash your creativity through reading the transformative creative journeys of these 30 highly creative people from many different fields whose work has positively impacted the lives of millions of people and discover the inspiration to take your own journey. Learn techniques, rituals, visualizations, and proven courses of action that can help you to prepare your body, mind, spirit, and home for audacious creation.

Isn’t it time that you allowed your own bright light to shine in the world—audaciously? You have the right to be bold!

To get started on accessing your own inner genius click here:

Wishing you every creative success,
Stephanie Gunning Enterprises