Friday, May 20, 2011

Brian Feinblum of Planned TV Arts on What's Hot & What's Not in Today's Author Publicity Scene (Audio Link Posted)

Want to know what's up in the world of book pr these days? Brian Feinblum, Chief Marketing Officer and Vice President of Planned Television Arts lays it out for us in this half hour talk. "Persistence is key," he says.

The Replay is Ready!

To listen to the replay, click this link:

Brian recently launched the Book Marketing Buzz Blog, which he describes as "A unique blog dedicated to covering the worlds of book publishing and the news media, revealing creative ideas, practical strategies, interesting stories, and provocative opinions. Along the way, the reader can discover savvy, but entertaining, insights on book marketing, public relations, branding, and advertising from a veteran of two decades in the industry of book publishing publicity and marketing."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Audacious Creativity Technique #3: Living from the Future

Want to wake up in the morning ready to create? Practice visualization before bed at night. Before sleeping, spend five minutes imaginatively living through the specific experience of seeing your highest priority creative goal as "mission accomplished." Repeat the same procedure night after night, and watch the scene evolve.

The human brain thinks in pictures, while the human memory is intimately linked to emotions. If you can combine the excitement of success with the mental picture of a future accomplishment, that picture becomes a real memory to you. And anything you can remember, you can study and repeat. The brain perceives a real event, a movie of an event, and a visualization of an event as being one and the same. Thus, you can build confidence just as easily by imagining success as through actual success.

If you practice this technique every night for about a month, you'll notice that the scene you create becomes extremely detailed and vivid. Not only the pictures related to the scene, but also the sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations connected with having reached your intended goal will become realer. Purposefully link the sensory aspects of the scene to your emotions and you'll reinforce the benefits. The neural networks you establish will be highly motivating, and useful, to your writing process.

From that ideal future scene, you can imagine backwards. Ask yourself--or even another character in the scene--how did I get here? Let answers come to you, and be receptive to them. Your brain is very active on an unconscious level--perhaps more so than you are aware. By giving it an opportunity to communicate with you in any style it likes it will begin to send messages floating up into your conscious awareness. From then on, your job is to interpret the "advice" and choose a course of action.

By doing this simple practice daily, you are instructing your mind that you find your creative project and everything related to it to be worthy of attention. Your brain will begin to bring you support from everything it perceives in the world. And, if you take action based on the advice you get, you'll be surprised at how quickly you create.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Highly Recommended! Try the MELT Method for Relief

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Top Positive Living Blogs

Focus on that which you wish to expand in your life. Emulate high-functioning people. Be curious. Make a contribution. These are all tenets of positive living. These are all principles of cretivity that I train my coaching clients to ultilize. Here are a few resources to guide you in developing a more positive lifestyle.

Volunteer, and watch your energy skyrocket! The motto is "Give what you're good at." In areas as diverse as accounting, social media, design, fundraising, and technology, your skills are a valuable commodity that can help make the world a better place to live in. Check out the project menus for introducing pro bono "givers" to "getters" —non-profit organizations that NEED help.

So Be Organized

Positive thinking starts with simplifying your life. Read how to get organized and handle it all with this blog.

Authentic Happiness

The University of Pennsylvania's positive psychology blog, the homepage of Dr. Martin Seligman, founder of this relatively new branch of psychology, which focuses on the empirical study of such things as positive emotions, strengths-based character, and healthy institutions. You are welcome to use all of the resources available here for free. It's a great place to learn more about theory and initiatives. You can also take a well-being questionnaire.

Numerous resources you can use to put positive psychology to work for you in your life.

The Work of Byron Katie

A powerful process for getting peaceful and clear. You can get instructions here on how to do "the Work" and download worksheets for free. Highly recommended.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Top Food & Nutrition Blogs

Many of my clients are in health-care fields. They are nutritionists, raw food gourmets, gluten-free advocates, vegetarian chefs, homeopaths, massage therapists, fitness trainers, integrative physicians, energy healers, yogis, and weight-loss coaches. I tell them ALL to blog.

Blog, baby, blog.

Here are some raves for my faves in the healthy eating and nutrition category.

Chicago-based dietitian Janet Helm covers the hottest food topics in the country--trendy new foods, diet reviews, food crazes and fads, and more. She's not afraid to discuss controversial topics. For the science junkies, this blog is loaded with good, solid facts and information. She brings science to the table so readers can sniff out the quackery themselves.

Urban Vegan lives, eats, and blogs in Philadelphia with her three cats, all former strays. Her first cookbook is The Urban Vegan: 250 Simple, Sumptuous Recipes, from Street Cart Favorites to Haute Cuisine. She's currently working on her second. Check out her post
on 101 inspired recipes for picnics. Yup, summer is coming.

The Superfoods Blog

Recipe adventures and insights, posting easy ways to take action NOW to get more superior foods into your busy body and active life.

Sue Ann Gleason is a culinary nutritionist, radiant life expert, and writer living in the Washington, D.C., area with her husband, John. When not working with clients, she can be found sampling exotic chocolates or building broccoli forests in her mashed potatoes. I'm hoping she finishes her book proposal soon, because I for one would love to see this wordsmith get a book deal!

Daphne Cohn deserves mention simply for the reading line on her blog. She's also being transparent and authentic about her emotions and their effect on her eating. I personally LIVE for transparency. My pal Ann Moller turned me on to her blog. They're both in the Mama Gena "Sister Goddess" community. I love the approach that life should be about pleasure. Rock on, Daphne.

Looking for additional food and nutrition blogs? Wanting to list your own blog in a directory, or to locate joint venture partners, or to request guest bloggers, or to offer to post guest blogs to other bloggers? Then check out the Nutrition Blog Network.