Thursday, October 26, 2006

44th Birthday Special on My Audio Program PARTNER WITH YOUR PUBLISHER

PARTNER WITH YOUR PUBLISHER: HOW NOT TO FEEL @#%*!ED WHEN YOUR BOOK COMES OUT. I am turning 44 on Friday, so I am giving a 44 percent discount on my audio program until Sunday, October 31st. You can get a digital download, and I'll also mail you the physical double-CD package if you email me and request it following your purchase. You must use the following link:

When you pay by credit card, you’ll receive download instructions for the digital MP3s of both CDs. Then send me your mailing address if you would prefer to receive a two-CD hard copy of the program. I will ship the package the next business day after payment.

Send an email to:

In the subject line put: birthday special

In the text put: I also want the CDs. My address is . . . [and give it]

Offer Ends October 31st—Halloween, ooh spooky! —at Midnight ET.

For more information, visit the website:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Announcing My Next Free TeleClass: 3 Secrets of Persuasion--Great Speaking Tools Drawn from Shakespeare (Interview of John Basil)

Every great speaker and every great writer wants to be persuasive . . . Playwright William Shakespeare understood that clearly 400 years ago. A main reason his plays are so incredibly engaging is that the characters employ the tools of rhetoric to debate issues and solve problems. And you can use these secrets, too!

I'm going to gift you with an interview with esteemed stage director and acting coach John Basil, founder of The American Globe Theatre and Conservatory, who will be joining me for a very special, sixty (60) minute TeleClass. John has agreed to share his insights about the art of persuasion with you.

Trust me, if you ever have to give a speech or performance, evaluate scripts or other documents, or need to draft a compelling written or spoken argument, this information will improve your clarity and boost your impact substantially.

John told me that the most compelling and effective speakers and writers know THREE important tricks to capture their audience's attention, sway opinion, and win debates. I believe these techniques are so powerful that I want him to tell you about them himself.

When: Thursday October 26, 2006 at 8:30 PM EST/5:30 PM PST
Title: Three Secrets of Persuasion: Great Speaking Tools Drawn from Shakespeare
Cost: $0. That's correct, it's my gift to you!

John Basil has been directing classical plays and teaching Shakespearean acting for 25 years. Applause Books has just released his book for actors and English teachers, Will Power: How to Act Shakespeare in 21 Days, which provides hundreds of additional ideas to stimulate and involve audiences. He is dedicated to bringing these unique lessons and preparatory techniques to you through his courses and this TeleSeminar.

If you know you want to attend the Thursday, October 26th call for $0, please Click Here to Register.

If your ISP won't enable the above link, paste the following code into your search bar:

What Will You Get on This Call?<br>Begin developing stronger arguments and attracting more support for your ideas during this special hour. Learn:

* How to create a foundation for your case by leading your listeners through your internal logic.
* The rocket-launching formulas of questions and answers, and comparison and contrasts
* The single deadliest vocal mistake you can make that bores and distracts at least 90 percent of audiences
* How to ensure that your listeners stay alert and focused

Check Out My New Articles on the Web

I'm loving submitting my articles to online content directories. It'll be interesting to see how many trackbacks they generate. The three new articles are: "Why Do You Need a Book Proposal?", "How to Squeeze Writing into Your Busy Schedule", and "Secrets of the Writer’s Trade: Basic Elements of a Strong Publishing Platform." Go ahead and check them out!

Monday, October 09, 2006

WILL POWER used to Raise Funds for New After-School Program for At-Risk Kids Produced by American Globe Theatre in New York City

Friday night there was a party at American Globe Theatre in Manhattan to raise funding for a new after-school theatre program serving at-risk kids. John Bail, coauthor of Will Power: How To Act Shakespeare In 21 Days, gave a short lecture on rhythm in words, comparing plays written in iambic pentamenter to hip-hop music. Two actors with longstanding relationships with AGT helped him out by demonstrating an exercise using rhyming couplets.

Then a performance was given of Comedy of Errors (directed by Kelly MacKinnon) that had everyone in stitches. The clowns, the two Dromios, as well as the leading actors and actresses were spot-on with their over-the-top renditions of their characters. Their commitment made it so muhc fun and entertaining to watch.

Afterwards, John signed books, selecting a unique line from the First Folio of 1623 for each purchaser. Those who bought two copies of the book received a copy of the 40-minute audio The 7 C's of Good Acting: Guiding Principles for Effective Rehearsals by John Basil and Stephanie Gunning as a bonus gift.

The party was attended by Michael Messina, executive editor of Applause Books, Kay Radtke, publicist, and Brian Black, production editor, as well as TV & film actress Olivia Thirlby (United 93, Kidnapped), a former student of John Basil.