Tuesday, November 28, 2006

T. Harv Eker, Robert G. Allen, Arielle Ford, James Twyman, Jon Gordon, Michelle Blood, and Me--Doing Good Together

Honestly, after years as a ghostwriter and editor of bestselling authors I have struggled with issues of exposure. Dare I stand up and be counted among my colleagues with greater name recognition and more money in the bank than me? the voice in my head asks. Today I am proud to respond with a declaration of freedom, YES! Not just for myself, but for the world. Calling upon my network of authors, musicians, and human potential teachers has been a gratifying and entirely relaxed experience.

If I could inspire my clients and students and anyone who ever meets me and reads one of my books (whether or not my name is printed on the cover) to stand up and be counted, to do what they think is right in the moment--without hesitation--and to live every day as though his or her life mattered to the rest of us, then I would be THRILLED BEYOND BELIEF.

There's no time to play life small any more. Also it doesn't make sense from an enlightened perspective of self-interest. I want you and NEED you to stand on your feet and make the world a better place, in the same way that you NEED me to stand tall for you. Why? Because we each have a lot to give.

I have chosen to live in the "future" that I would like to live in starting "yesterday." (That means we're there already.) In the world I have envisioned, there is no shortage and everyone revels in the joy of circulating everything good. Because no one fears deficiency, our hands are always open to others. When we need, we trust that their hands are open to us.

Why do I choose this vision? For selfish reasons. In a world beyond scarcity everyone is a conscious creator. You only create what delights you, amuses you, serves you, helps you, fulfills you, if you have the choice.

Such a world is not damaging to children. They don't grow up angry when they are cherished and protected and nourished inside and out.

In lending my assistance to Spryte Loriano to take a big step for herself in launching feed333.org and "Play a bigger game," I discovered that my clarity of intention entirely removes any shame from requests for support that I have made of the people I know. Sometimes they have said no in response, but I am OK with that answer. As there is no scarcity in my vision of the world, it doesn't panic me. I keep flowing where the energy circulates freely.

Bless you for considering the good of others and your own good!

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Conversation About Feed333 Expands, As Press Release Circulates

Get involved. If you or anyone you know is in the press--radio, TV, newspapers, magazines--consider a feature or mention about the viral marketing campaign based on Napoleon Hill-style strategies that's going to be FEEDing 3 million chidren in 33 days starting on November 29th. Spryte Loriano is available for interviews.

Click here to read the press release.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanks for the sunshine and for the moonlight,
and for the food in my belly every night.
Accept my humble admiration for the ocean
and trees, for both connect me with the breeze.
Despite my curious desire to fly,
my feet are on the ground, not in the sky.
So in gratitude, here's a quick blessing.
Allow me to say, "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Saturday, November 18, 2006

One Woman Feeds 3 Million Children in 33 Days--Sounds Crazy, But It's True--Join the Feed 333 Campaign

My company, Stephanie Gunning Enterprises LLC, is proud to be a Seed Ambassador for the Feed 333 Campaign that begins on November 29, 2006 (day 1) and ends on December 31, 2006 (day 33). During this period, through an innovative viral marketing campaign conducted online, individual people--by donating as little as $1 each and simply passing along the news to their friends with emails--will raise a staggering amount of money for The Children's Hunger Fund. The goal is to raise 3 million in 33 days, which is an entirely plausible amount because on the first day, the campaign is already set to go out to approximately 1.5 million. On the 29th it may be closer to 3 million promised announcements. Wow!

This incredible charitable initiative is the brainchild of self-published author Spryte Loriano from Ashland, OR. I met her at a conference in Florida in July, and only got the news that she was moving forward with her plans a couple of weeks ago. After I sent her a congratulary message we subsequently spoke on the phone and I asked her to tell me about her "wish list" prior to the start date. Some of her wishes were within my power to facilitate--contacting certain authors and celebrities, receiving more bonus gifts of music and digital books for donors to download off the web site as a "thank you" gesture--and I have done. For me, this was a fantastic opportunity to perceive how much genuine support is available in the world when we are clear about what we are contributing. My tiny effort, fortunately, was one among thousands.
It is only together that we become as strong as we truly are!

One of the features I love most about the Feed 333 organization is that those who give to the children also are given to--we feed and we are fed. The world is prosperous, however the funds are disproportionately allocated. This program is going to shift the wealth around. In the process, the average person can participate and identify the power of their participation in this flow and circulation of positive energy, because they can see their involvement registered on the web site. Techonology has made it possible to be conscious of our connectedness.

That's beautiful, right?

Visit the Web Site:

Watch the Flash Movie: