Sunday, May 08, 2011

Top Positive Living Blogs

Focus on that which you wish to expand in your life. Emulate high-functioning people. Be curious. Make a contribution. These are all tenets of positive living. These are all principles of cretivity that I train my coaching clients to ultilize. Here are a few resources to guide you in developing a more positive lifestyle.

Volunteer, and watch your energy skyrocket! The motto is "Give what you're good at." In areas as diverse as accounting, social media, design, fundraising, and technology, your skills are a valuable commodity that can help make the world a better place to live in. Check out the project menus for introducing pro bono "givers" to "getters" —non-profit organizations that NEED help.

So Be Organized

Positive thinking starts with simplifying your life. Read how to get organized and handle it all with this blog.

Authentic Happiness

The University of Pennsylvania's positive psychology blog, the homepage of Dr. Martin Seligman, founder of this relatively new branch of psychology, which focuses on the empirical study of such things as positive emotions, strengths-based character, and healthy institutions. You are welcome to use all of the resources available here for free. It's a great place to learn more about theory and initiatives. You can also take a well-being questionnaire.

Numerous resources you can use to put positive psychology to work for you in your life.

The Work of Byron Katie

A powerful process for getting peaceful and clear. You can get instructions here on how to do "the Work" and download worksheets for free. Highly recommended.


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