Let's Change the World, One Book at a Time!
Lately I've been asking myself, "What am I really doing?"
The answer has come back gangbusters that I'm changing the world. It's always been my dream for people to live happier, healthier lives. At peace... with themselves and others. The spiritual work I've done has led me to a point where I know that if I could "get it" then everyone could get "it." And that a decision is involved.
So I decided to set up a program with my friend Richard Aronow and call it The Great American Think Out, and toss it out upon the winds of our social system to see if we couldn't all just come together finally and lift each other up
Every book I work on these days is an answer to a need for human growth. Gregg Braden's The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, Ernest Chu's Soul Currency, Sam Addetiwar's The Elements of Soul, Kim Marcille's Amp It Up! Donna LeBlanc's The Passion Principle, Howard Falco's I Am and Baron Baptiste's Breaking Through. Some of these have yet to hit the shelves.
There's a threshold we are about to cross and the beauty that I'm beginning to perceive on the other side of it is extraordinary. I invite you to join us as we're carried over by our commitment to genuine presence.
In gratitude and peace.
You're my hero.
The answer has come back gangbusters that I'm changing the world. It's always been my dream for people to live happier, healthier lives. At peace... with themselves and others. The spiritual work I've done has led me to a point where I know that if I could "get it" then everyone could get "it." And that a decision is involved.

Every book I work on these days is an answer to a need for human growth. Gregg Braden's The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, Ernest Chu's Soul Currency, Sam Addetiwar's The Elements of Soul, Kim Marcille's Amp It Up! Donna LeBlanc's The Passion Principle, Howard Falco's I Am and Baron Baptiste's Breaking Through. Some of these have yet to hit the shelves.
There's a threshold we are about to cross and the beauty that I'm beginning to perceive on the other side of it is extraordinary. I invite you to join us as we're carried over by our commitment to genuine presence.
In gratitude and peace.
You're my hero.