Monday, April 28, 2008

Social Networking for Authors--May 22 Marty Fahncke Joins Me for a High Impact Teleseminar on How to Use FaceBook, LinkedIn, and Ning to Market Books

2008 is the year of the social network... Are you ready to participate?

LinkedIn, Facebook, Ning and other social sites are not just for kids... There is REAL business being conducted there... and every author, especially if you are one who plans to do mostly no-cost or low-cost guerrilla marketing of your books, NEEDS to know how they work. Each site has it's own specific features, rules, and etiquette. Sign up for May 12 Teleseminar

I began studying the social media a couple of months ago in anticipation of the launch of a project of mine later this year which I plan to broadcast through every channel possible. Then an email popped into my mailbox about a teleseminar taught by Marty Fahncke, the President of Conference Call University. I attended and I was impressed with everything he said.

Basically this is the conclusion I came to: If you've got a book, you can't afford not to be PROMOTING yourself and making DIRECT CONNECTIONS with joint-venture partners and your target readers through social networking sites.

That's why when I heard Marty describe the tactics of small business owners and entrepreneurs who are getting incredible PR results using social media, I knew I had to get him on a special call designed just for authors and others in the book trade.

To Register for the Teleseminar Click Here
Date: May 12, 2008
Time: 5 PM West coast, 8 PM East coast
Duration: 90 cointent-packed minutes
Cost: $47 until Midnight May 15 (saving you $20) EARLY BIRD SPECIAL
$67 after 12:01 AM Eastern time on May 16

You'll learn the do's and don'ts... We'll explore a variety of marketing strategies, ranging from guerrilla tactics to more traditional media buys.

ALL the information is tailored to authors! It doesn't matter if you are a self-published author or you're working with a mainstream publishing company, this teleseminar definitely applies to you and your book marketing needs and your needs to connect with members of the industry.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Have Fun Publishing Your Work Online for Free

Just uploaded my "Insider's Guide to Book Proposals That Sell" to
That's really fun. Go look and see how it shows up, if you like, because you can do the
same with your own material.

Hyperlink to get my special report “The Insider’s Guide to Books That Sell”:

These days I'm sooooooooo intersted in the social networking sites. Invite me to be your friend on Facebook if you want. I am entirely into it.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Amazon Changes the Rules of Print-On-Demand?

So many authors today use Print-on-Demand services (iUniverse, Book Surge, Author's House, etc.) and they count on being able to sell through the online booksellers ( and, etc.). Last week, Amazon made an announcement that sent the POD publishers reeling, and it changes the situation for authors.

Amazon made a decision that it would only post active links from its own POD service, which is Book Surge. They say it is for customer satisfaction, and to speed fulfillment of orders, also allowing "bundling of items" and saving gas.

The Author's Guild (of which I am a member in good standing) has a different view. Read the full article on the Guild website:

Also read a Publishers Weekly article about the independent Publishers Marketing Association view:

Next week, I continue my series on Getting a Literary Agent (and p.s. I'm doing my best to carve out time to make this a weekly newsletter, following the advice of the Ezine Queen).

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

When You Hear Hoofbeats, Think of a ZEBRA

I want to extend all my readers the same terrific offer I made to listeners on my Monday night interview-call with Stephany Evans (which was NOT recorded by the way!).

It's time-sensitive, good only until Midnight on Friday, April 4, 2008!

**$50 OFF** on my newest product: "7 QUICK & EASY STEPS TO WRITE AND SELL YOUR FIRST BOOK PROPOSAL", which includes:

4 Audios of classes (on the 7 elements of a book proposal)
4 Transcripts of the audios (for visual dominant peeps)
4 Companion workbooks to fill in the blanks (practical, eminently usable)
4 Bonus gifts of high value (on branding, publicity, creativity, and rhetoric)

REMEMBER THIS: Use the Coupon Code ZEBRA at checkout to get the special deal.

Explicit details are on the landing page:

If you have more questions, shoot me an email at

Remeber, you're my H.E.R.O.