Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two Plus Two Is Going to Be What I Want it to Be: The Challenge of the Ultimate Decision (Thanks, Will Smith for Your Inspiration)

Successful entrepreneurs are lifelong learners. As individuals, they are highly curious and they also make faster decisions than most other folks. They don’t hem and haw when they intend to accomplish a goal; instead they decide and then go for it, taking action after action until they have closed the gap between where they are and where they want to be. As a consultant and a creator, I am always looking for people to emulate who can talk to me (and teach me) about what it feels like to be successful, how they live life from the inside out, and what they think about while they’re on their path—and the video that follows is one such opportunity to hear from a guy who shows the way.

When his blockbuster 2007 film I Am Legend released, actor and producer Will Smith did a television interview with Tavis Smiley on PBS in which he says these inspiring words: "I don't want to be an icon. I want to represent an idea. I want to represent possibilities. I want to represent magic.”

He continues: “You're in a universe, where two plus two equals four. But two-plus-two-equals-four is only true if you accept that it is. Two plus two is going to be what I want it to be. There is a redemptive power that making a choice has, rather than feeling like an effect. Make a choice. Just decide . . . who you're going to be, how it's going to be, and how you're going to do it. Just decide."

As writers and creatives what can we learn from Mr. Smith? First of all, he looks like he is having boatloads of fun. He's a high energy guy. He went from being a rapper, to clowning on a sitcom, to being a master of possibility. He's got a successful marriage to an accomplished woman, actress, producer, and writer Jada Pinkett Smith, and he's a caring father to three great kids, all of whom are working actors, including son Jaden who starred with Will in The Pursuit of Happyness and then became the next Karate Kid.

Will Smith also does movies that teach the idea he "represents." Basically, he's showing us the power of the decision, the power of clarity, and of being a self-defining person. He's the "I am legend" guy, who's not living in the clouds--he's living LIFE full-on.

So I challenge you (and myself) to answer the question: What idea do you represent?

Please send me an email and tell me what you stand for. I contend that answering this question is going to pave the way for you to do remarkable things as an author and businessperson. It's the Ultimate Decision.

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