Monday, July 03, 2006

My "Partner with Your Publisher" Audio Tracks Are Done!

My clients, family, and friends have been hearing about my special project for a few months now. When I returned from vacation I gave myself the gift of a week to sit down and finally finish producing the audio tracks of Partner with Your Publisher: How Not to Feel @#%*!ed When Your Book Comes Out... and I did. My big challenge was that in order to do so, I had to learn how to sound edit on my computer. I used Sound Forge, for those who are interested in details. My next challenge is getting a package together and having it manufactured in bulk.

With the assistance of my good friend Sandy Grason, author of Journalution, we created a two-hour master track. I went through it over the weekend and took out static and pops, and excess verbiage and vagueness, and added a little music and a motivational introduction, as well as a truly useful list of action steps that follows our conversation. I am proud that in short order I'll be able to offer this product for sale. (Fyi, I recommend you check out Sandy's new product on getting author endorsements, which is located on her website--use the link above.)

A dedicated website ( is being built now for my double-CD program, and it will launch in a couple of days. Please wish me good luck! My goal, as ever, is to be an advocate for authors by providing you with the point of view of a publishing insider.


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