Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Five Segments of "The Writer's Workout" to Air on ITV

Went into the ITV studio last night with my friend Ashok Vyas to prepare several five-minute editorials for viewers who enjoy creative writing. They'll air on Friday afternoons between 2:00 and 2:30 PM on cable channel 77 (viewable in Brooklyn and Queens) starting on July 7.

Topics include:
* The Joy of Creative Writing
* Squeezing Writing into Your Busy Schedule
* Writers Support Groups
* Where Good Ideas Come from
* Overcoming Creative Blocks

So, if you saw a woman streaking down Central Park South towards the R-Train last night with heavy black eye makeup on... it was me! (PS I like this look on myself.) I learned a ton about talking through the camera to the audience and had a blast.

I really, really want people to love writing as much as I do. It's a fantastic dimension of my life. Maybe this show and others like it--radio and TV, personal appearances and phone calls--will convey the message.


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