Love Your Mess, Free Webinar on Wednesday, October 12

As you know I am hugely interested in creativity: what boosts or enhances it, and what gets in the way of it. So this Wednesday, I'm being joined by my guest, author Allison Nazarian, to talk about concepts from her book Love Your Mess.
Why Should You Love Your Mess?
If you try to run from your mess, you're not going to get very far. Like the Zen masters say: Wherever you go ... there's your mess! Denial isn't the answer.
What if your mess was part of your process? Part of the process? Might that not be a liberating thought to embrace?
On Wednesday, October 12, at 8 PM Eastern (7 CT/6 MT/ 5PT), Allison and I will get down and dirty (pun intended) about being with what is and how it can serve us as creative types. We'd like to have you with us.
Register your messy self for this call:
Mess is there when we're at home, in the office, on a diet, starting a new business, engaged in our relationships, and talking to ourselves in our heads. There's a strong temptation to deny it, avoid it, defy it, resist it, and wrestle with it. It can get the better of us ... bring us to our knees ... but we've got to take the power back.
The best way to do that is to get on board with the mess.
By now, you know I'm not referring to the socks on the staircase. (Even though that mess can be a manifestation of the "mess" I am referring to.)
Mess is an inside job.
Real life can be messy.
Date: October 12
Time: 8 PM Eastern
Duration: 60 minutes
Recorded: Yes (so you can replay later)
Cost: zip. zero. nada.
You: Register (this way I can send you a reminder)
We're going to have fun and hopefully be a little inspiring on this call. Allison Nazarian is a copywriter, business owner, mom, walker, reader, texter, Howard Stern superfan, Counting Crows devotee, eater of very dark chocolate, lover of ladybugs, football fan, and much, much more, who lives a very messy life in Florida with her kids, dog, and a bunch of other messy folks.
Me, well, I try to hide my mess a lot, but it's there. I'm quite familiar with it. I even get emotional about it of an evening when the to-do list got longer instead of shorter, when I made a choice I don't admire and I'm wondering how the heck I can go on.
So, no gurus are going to be on this call (unless you're a guru--LOL). Come talk to us anyhow. This is a call for real people with real messy lives.
Labels: Allison Nazarian, books, creativity, feng shui, organization, writing
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