Is Your Book Part of The Shift?

It must come as no surprise that there is a shift going on where, through a combination of approaches, some spiritual and some scientific, our understanding of ourselves as human beings and, more specifically, as humans in dynamic relationship with the rest of the beings on earth is undergoing a positive transformation.
My profession, where I guide idea makers to express themselves through books, has made me keenly aware of the power of the word. Despite the keening and wailing about the demise of the publishing industry, what I see is someting different. I see MORE expression, not less.
There is an incredible amount of healing writting going on. First to heal the self. Second to heal others. These types of books--however they end up being published: as books, online, digitally, and even as audios and videos--are an important part of The Shift.
So, I am just putting it out to you as a writer and a creator, have you considered if you are making your full and authentic contribution yet?
It takes courage to be a bold creator. But if you let your passion and your intellect guide you (it requires an integrated balance) then you will be as supported as you can possibly be.
Here are three actions you can take to determine if you are writing a book that is part of The Shift:
1. Meditate and connect with your heart. Connect with the feeling of giving the contents of your book to its target reader. Observe, Does this raise or lower your energy? If your energy increases, you're on the right track.
2. Are you clear about your motivations? Make a list of advantages for going forward. Make a list of disadvantages for going forward. When you compare the two lists which is most compelling? When you are living from higher consciousness the advantages are obvious.
3. Ask your trusted friends and colleagues if your topic feels as if it is closely related to your personal strengths. Sometimes it is easier for people outside of us to see us clearly. Those who value our gifts can help us step into our power gracefully.
I specialize in mentoring authors who are a part of The Shift in stepping up and playing their part in making a positive contribution. This sort of mentorship is not for everyone. My time is also limited. If you have a serious inquiry about working with me as your mentor, please drop me an email:
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