Monday, March 24, 2008

Are You Looking for a Literary Agent?

Can you believe this spring sunshine? I am loving it.
Yesterday, for Easter, my sister and her boyfriend
picked me up in a little Zipcar, and then we cruised
across the George Washington Bridge to NJ to have
dinner at my dad's house with our extended step-
family. Or is it "blended"? Whatever! All I know is
the meal was yummy. Welcome spring, one and all!

It's been a while since I've offered a fr^ee
teleseminar. But I'm kicking off a new series on
literary agents and the mechanics of publishing
with an interview of Stephany Evans, President
of Fine Print Literary Management.

"The Down-and-Dirty on Getting an Agent"

The call is FR'EE for anyone who wants to
attend it. All you have to do is dial. . .

To register go to the following link:

Date: Monday, March 31, 2008
Time: 8 PM ET/5 PM PT
Price: $0, It's our gift to you

You know, finding representation seems to be
such a stumbling block for most writers. But I
seriously believe this is an illusionary dilemma.
When you're ready agents will be ready for you!

So, what makes an author ready for an agent?
What do they need to hear to want you in their
stable of talent? What do they need to see?

How do agents like to be approached? What goes
in a query letter? We'll discuss all of this. And Stephany
has promised me she'll be forthright about the way
she thinks, feels, and responds to different approaches.

Register for the Call Taking Place on Monday, March 31

No B.S. This is going to be the direct scoop on
what's involved.

I hope you'll take time to be on the call.

You're my hero,

Stephanie Gunning,
"The Publishing Insider"

Read about Stephanie Gunning

Read about Stephany Evans


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