Thursday, March 20, 2008

The EZine Queen's LAST Free Call on EZines EVER

Wow! Last count was 5,000 people registered and going higher. Every author should be in on this, Tuesday March 25, 2008 and Thursday March 27, 2008. It's a very special teleseminar series with Alexandria Brown, "The Ezine Queen". Register Right Now

She's that multi-million dollar business owner who owes all her marketing power to her email newsletter, or "ezine". Since launching her ezine several years ago, thousands of other solo-preneurs and small business owners have become students of hers.

Why does she have such a following? She teaches a simple ezine system that shows you how to publish as little as one email every two weeks to increase your sales. Also, Ali teaches email marketing strategies for real business owners - no spamming allowed!

Her methods have helped her students make MILLIONS more dollars in their businesses by using low-cost online marketing, and she has the testimonials to prove it.

Well, you've probably heard by now...**

Ali is going to be hosting her LAST free teleseminars EVER on ezines, March 25 & 27. **

(In a hurry? Sign up now at

Yes that's right. Her LAST. First of all, she hasn't offered a free live call on this topic in several years. And after this one, she won't be offering any more. You see, her business is growing rapidly and taking her in a different, exciting direction.

But she knows what got her started - the humble email newsletter! She and her students know that an ezine is still the most powerful marketing tool ANYWHERE, for pennies on the dollar.

AND, she acknowledges there are some challenges to marketing with email these days. That's why Ali wants to share with you some of the things she's learned that still promise email to be a big moneymaker for all of us.

She'll be giving us the BEST, honest, and most UPDATED information on ezine publishing on these FREE calls.

So don't miss this important teleseminar series. Ali's calls are jam-packed with information you can use immediately to grow your business using email - ethically.

You'll have to see what I mean - get the scoop and reserve your spot today at

Remember space is limited - we're not sure how many people her bridge lines can hold -- and this is the LAST TIME Ali will be giving a FREE teleseminar series on e-zines so reserve your spot today


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