Sunday, May 18, 2008

Publishing Insider News Feature: Do You Need to "Platform"? Fistful of Favorites

Frequently I am asked what services I use to run my publishing and consulting business, for instance how my newsletter "The Publishing Insider News" is produced. Here are five tools.

Newsletters: Constant Contact is my newsletter service. While comparable services do exist, and there is a whole other way to do a newsletter (using a blog), if you want to draw upon a variety of templates, this system is flexible and affordable. I take advantage of their mechanisms for tracking results and merging databases regularly. And the price is modest until your list explodes. If you want advice on how to do a newsletter (aka eZine), Aly Brown's products for that are exceptionally useful: Boost Your Biz with an Ezine.

Shopping Cart: Once you begin selling books and audio products, you need to be able to manage those sales and take payments automatically. For this you need an online "shopping cart." The standard in theinformation product business is the cart I use, which is (it goes by a few different names, but they're all the same cart).

No Cost If you want to have a bridge line upon which to record conference calls or interviews with subjects, this service is simple to use and has web features.

Go You need to own the domain name for your personal name, your book title, your business organization, and anything that's a recognizable key phrase. Every author MUST have a website where s/he can be found easily. This is a reputable hosting service and offers decent options.

Social Networking Sites: It's 2008 and authors need to keep up with the times. YouTube, FaceBook, LinkedIn, and Ning, to name only a few of the major players. Take advantage of the "Insider Opportunity" and register for the teleseminar on May 22.


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